Years of experience of addressing public groups and academic gatherings of all sizes means I can lecture on a range of interesting subjects. I have taught numerous adult education courses and given public and academic lectures on a variety of topics, including the sites I have excavated.

The lecture theatre at the British Museum prior to my lecture on the Crosby Garrett Helmet in April 2014.
Subjects I can cover include all aspects of the the Roman army, Roman military equipment in general, the gladius (short sword), the spatha (long sword), the pilum (heavy javelin), the pugio (dagger), the scutum (shield), Roman helmets and body armour (including the Crosby Garrett helmet and lorica segmentata), as well as cavalry harness in particular. Then there are legionary fortresses, the ‘secret history’ of Roman roads in Britain, the life and times of the Emperor Lucius Verus, and aerial and satellite photograph interpretation in archaeology. These are all subjects I have also written about in both popular and academic formats.
Lectures are normally illustrated with my own photographs and diagrams (and, in some cases, animations), as well as those I have sourced elsewhere which have licenses suitable for recording and online transmission, if necessary.
So if you want to benefit from those years of experience of addressing public groups, contact me at to discuss your requirements. In the meantime, here are one live and one online lecture I have given, on the subjects of Roman Military Equipment and Identity at Trimontium (for the Trimontium Trust) and The Impenetrable Wall: Roman Body Armour Assessed (for the Hellenic and Roman Societies’ Greek and Roman Armour Day).